Welcome to the Pepperjam API documentation section! Our API is accessible through a REST-based interface. Listed below are some of the syntax conventions used in the documentation, general URI structure information, response formats, response codes, and HTTP methods used throughout the API.
Syntax Conventions
Notation | Meaning | Example |
Curly Brackets { } | Required Item | https://api.pepperjamnetwork.com/{resource} In this example, resource is required.
Square Brackets [ ] | Optional Item | https://api.pepperjamnetwork.com[?param1=param] In this example, the request parameter 'param1' is optional.
Less Than / Greater Than <> | Placeholder Item | { "data" : "<placeholder_data>" } In this example, the request parameter 'placeholder_data' is a placeholder for larger data.
URL Structure
Ascend API requests start with https://api.pepperjamnetwork.com
. An example of a complete and well-formed request is shown below:
Request Parameters
All query string parameters should be camel-cased (eg. firstName, programId, apiKey)
Parameter | Description | Possible Values | Default | Required? |
version | This is the version of the API Key. | N/A | N/A | Yes |
resource | The resource you're trying to access. | N/A | N/A | Yes |
apiKey | Your API Key | N/A | N/A | Yes |
format | The format the response will be returned in. | json, xml, or csv | N/A | Yes |
page | The page the client is requesting. Used for resources that support pagination. | * Any page in the range of total pages | 1 | No |
* Values shown are placeholder values. Please replace with actual data.
Response Format
All return parameters will be snake-cased (eg. first_name, program_id, start_date)
The API returns 2 types of responses (JSON, XML).
JSON and XML responses will be paginated with a limit of 2500 results per request. Links are provided within the meta→pagination node to allow easy traversal of the result set. Each previous and next link will only be available, if they're applicable to the page requested.
- JSON-encoded objects (content-type: application/json).
GET { "meta" : { "status" : { "code" : 200, "message" : "OK" }, "pagination" : { "total_results" : 1000, "total_pages" : 2, "next" : { // Only available if there's a next page "rel" : "next", "href" : "<next_page_link>", "description" : "Next Page" }, "previous" : { // Only available if there's a previous page "rel" : "previous", "href" : "<previous_page_link>", "description" : "Previous Page" } }, "requests" : { "current" : <current_requests>, "maximum" : <maximum_requests_per_day> }, }, "data" : { ... } // Can be an array [] or an object {} }
POST { "meta" : { "status" : { "code" : 201, "message" : "(Created resource message)" }, "location" : { "rel" : "created_resource", "href" : "https://api.pepperjamnetwork.com/{version}/{resource}?apiKey={apiKey}&format={format}&id={resourceId}", "description" : "Location of created resource" }, "requests" : { "current" : <current_requests>, "maximum" : <maximum_requests_per_day> }, }, "data" : [] }
PUT { "meta" : { "status" : { "code" : 200, "message" : "(Updated resource message)" }, "requests" : { "current" : <current_requests>, "maximum" : <maximum_requests_per_day> }, }, "data" : [] }
DELETE { "meta" : { "status" : { "code" : 204, "message" : "(Deleted resource message)" }, "requests" : { "current" : <current_requests>, "maximum" : <maximum_requests_per_day> }, }, "data" : [] }
- XML (content-type: text/xml)
GET <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <response> <meta> <status> <code>200</code> <message>OK</message> </status> <pagination> <total_results>1000</total_results> <total_pages>2</total_pages> <next> <!-- Only available if there's a next page --> <rel>next</rel> <href><next_page_link></href> <description>Next Page</description> </next> <previous> <!-- Only available if there's a next page --> <rel>previous</rel> <href><previous_page_link></href> <description>Previous Page</description> </previous> </pagination> <requests> <current><current_requests></current> <maximum><maximum_requests_per_day></maximum> </requests> </meta> <data><!-- Can be an array [] or an object {} --> <program_name>My Program</program_name> <date>2012-01-01</date> ... </data> <data> <program_name>My Program</program_name> <date>2012-01-01</date> ... </data> </response>
POST <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <response> <meta> <status> <code>201</code> <message>(Created resource message)</message> </status> <location> <rel>created_resource</rel> <href>https://api.pepperjamnetwork.com/{version}/{resource}?apiKey={apiKey}&format={format}&id={resourceId}</href> <description>Location of created resource</description> </location> <requests> <current><current_requests></current> <maximum><maximum_requests_per_day></maximum> </requests> </meta> <data/> </response>
PUT <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <response> <meta> <status> <code>200</code> <message>(Updated resource message)</message> </status> <requests> <current><current_requests></current> <maximum><maximum_requests_per_day></maximum> </requests> </meta> <data/> </response>
DELETE <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <response> <meta> <status> <code>204</code> <message>(Deleted resource message)</message> </status> <requests> <current><current_requests></current> <maximum><maximum_requests_per_day></maximum> </requests> </meta> <data/> </response>
- CSV (content-type: text/csv)
Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4,... Data1,Data2,Data3,Data4,...
Time Zones
All times must be sent and will be reported in Eastern Time. Times are representative of Daylight Savings Time.
HTTP Methods
The following are the HTTP methods used for interacting with the API:
GET | Gets an object or list of objects |
POST | Creates a new object |
PUT | Updates an object |
DELETE | Deletes an object |
A response can be inspected on 2 different levels:
- The HTTP response code and message within the meta→status node of the response
- The HTTP response code and message within the response headers
The following are the HTTP response status codes that apply to using this service:
200 | Success | The body of the response may be consumed immediately. |
201 | Created | The object has been created. |
204 | Deleted | The object has been deleted. |
400 | Invalid parameters | Clients must not attempt to perform subsequent requests using the same parameters. |
401 | Authentication Error | Clients must authenticate to use any part of the service. |
403 | Forbidden | Clients are unauthorized to access portion of the service. |
404 | Not Found | Client is attempting to access a resource that doesn't exist. |
405 | Method Not Allowed | The HTTP methods being used is not permitted. Allow header will contain allowable methods. |
409 | Logical Conflict | Client is attempting to perform an operation on a object that conflicts with the state of the object. |
429 | Too Many Requests/Concurrency Limit | Client has sent too many requests in a given amount of time or the maximum number of concurrent connections has been exceeded. |
500 | Internal Server Error | Indicates that an unexpected error has occurred on the server; clients may attempt to issue another request at a later date when the problem has been resolved. |
The API requires an API Key for Pepperjam to authenticate you as a user. This key is required for all API requests.