Resource Center

Banner Creatives Resource



The banner creative resource allows a publisher to pull banner creatives for the advertisers they're working with.


Request Parameters
Parameter Description Possible Values Default Required?
id A comma-separated list of ids to filter by. * 123,456,789 N/A No
programId A comma-separated list of program ids to filter by. * 123,456,789 N/A No
category A comma-separated list of advertiser category ids to search for. 
Use the advertiser category resource  to retrieve these ids. Previously, this was used an as advertiser category, but this concept was deprecated in favor of creative promotions that allow several promotions per creative.
* 123,456,789 N/A No
height A comma-separated list of banner heights to filter by. * 123,456,789 N/A No
width A comma-separated list of banner widths to filter by. * 123,456,789 N/A No
websiteId A single website id used for website tracking. Adding this will add this parameter to your tracking link. * 123,456,789 N/A No
sid A single SID parameter used for publisher tracking. Adding this will add this parameter to your tracking link. * Any generic string N/A No
deepLink A single parameter used to deep link creatives. Adding this will add this parameter to your tracking link, if the creative allows deep linking. * A URL of the resource you want to link to N/A No
encrypted A single boolean value that indicates whether the tracking link should be encrypted. Adding this will encrypt your tracking link. 1, 0 Un-encrypted No
startDate A valid date string in the ISO 8601 date format; 
any timestamp information that is present will be ignored.
yyyy-mm-dd N/A No
endDate A valid date string in the ISO 8601 date format; 
any timestamp information that is present will be ignored.
yyyy-mm-dd N/A No
status The status to filter by. active, scheduled N/A No
refurl This field associates the traffic and conversions with the specified URL to later be populated in your and your joined advertisers' reporting.

NOTE: By providing this data, it will be exposed to your joined advertisers.
Any URL, ideally including the http(s) scheme.

N/A No
Response Fields
Field Description Notes
id Advertiser's creative ID  
width The width of the banner creative  
height The height of the banner creative  
name The name of the creative  
code The actual code for the creative  
description A description of the creative  
start_date The first day the creative will be valid  
end_date The last day the creative will be valid  
status The status of the creative One of: active, scheduled
program_id The id of the program that the creative belongs to  
program_name The name of the program the creative belongs to  
category_name The name of the category assigned to the creative  
category_names[n] A collection of category names assigned to the creative  
allow_deep_link Boolean flag that determines whether deep linking is enabled  
tracking_url The tracking URL for this creative  

* Values shown are placeholder values. Please replace with actual data.