Resource Center

Reading Your Invoice


Invoices are sent to your account email address on the first of every month. It's important to log into your account and access your invoices for review.

How to locate your invoice page

In the upper right nav, click on Account Invoices

Scroll over the Account tab and click on Invoices. This will bring you to the Invoice page where you can view invoices down throughout the middle of the page. You may include up to 100 results per page and use the page drop-down menu to skip to another page of invoices.

How do I use the invoice section?

  • Filter by Date - If you want to narrow down to a more specific invoice period, you may use the Filter by Date feature at the top of the page. This feature allows you to enter a beginning and ending date. You may use the calendar icons to help you choose a specific time period. Once you have selected the start and end dates, please click the Filter button.
  • Search Results - Your search displays the results of available invoices down through the middle of the page.
  • Period - The first column is the invoice period. This is the previous month’s date range.
  • Amount - This is the invoice amount.
  • Balance - This is the total amount you currently owe.
  • Status -This section will indicate if your invoice is paid or unpaid.
    Payments Button - This will display if any payments were made to the selected invoice.
  • View Button - This allows you to view the current invoice for more details. 

How do I review my current invoice?

To the right of the Invoice Period, click on the View button. You will notice you may choose to go back to the previous page by clicking on the invoice list button in the top-left corner of the page. In addition, you may print and save your invoices by clicking on the Adobe PDF icon.

I see a message in red, **Statement of Activity – do not pay.** What does this mean?

If you see this message, it indicates your account is setup as an escrow account. All escrow accounts pay by credit card. This will show up as a statement of activity and not as a real invoice statement for payment.

Ascend's address - Located in the left-hand corner.

Invoice Number - This can be found in the right side. Below, you will see your advertiser name, customer number, invoice period (which is always set to the previous month's activity), payment terms (escrow or net terms), and due date (for net term accounts only).

Past Due Summary

  • Prior Period Balance: This is an unpaid balance amount that is carried over from the previous invoice.
  • Payments: Payments made throughout the invoice payment will reflect in the amount to the right. The dollar amount to the right is clickable which allows you to review all payments ad credits made to the account.
  • Past Due Balance: This is the balance of both network and publisher commissions plus your monthly minimum.

Summary of Current Account Activity

  • Network Commissions- These are broken down by Ascend Transaction fees. You can click on the amount for more details.
  • Publisher Commissions- These are commissions paid out to publishers. You can click on the amount for more details.
  • Monthly Minimum– This includes your Monthly Minimum Payment of $250
  • Publisher Commission Adjustment: There are publisher commissions reversals made in the account
  • Network Commission Adjustment: These are Ascend commission adjustments made in the account.
  • Current Period Balance- This is the total amount to be paid or if you over paid this figure will be carry over in your next invoice period under the Previous balance owed section.