Resource Center

Basic Tracking - Bulk Upload: Correct Transactions


A bulk upload of corrected orders allows you to provide changes to orders that you previously sent to the basic commissioning system, which may include returned items or order cancellations, or changes to amounts.


  • ORDER_ID cannot be changed. If there is an error with ORDER_ID , please contact your Account Manager. 

Corrections may not be applied to orders after the locking period has passed.

Locking periods vary by affiliate program. Please consult your account strategist or customer care for further information.

No Personally Identifiable Information (PII) may be passed through the batch file. PII includes but is not limited to information which can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, such as their name, social security number, email address, phone number, or physical address.

Bulk Upload: Basic Tracking Corrected Orders Fields Explained


Field Description Data Type / Length Example Required
PID Unique ID assigned by Pepperjam to each program.

NOTE: If you are unsure what this value is, please contact customer support.
Integer 893 YES
AFFILIATEID Unique ID assigned by Pepperjam to each publisher. This value is passed to advertiser's website as a URL parameter named "subid". Integer 43545 NO
AMOUNT "SALE" based transactions, this value will replace the original transaction's amount and will be used to recalculate the publisher's earned commission.

"LEAD" based transactions, this value will be the new dollar amount that will be paid out to publisher.

NOTE: Do not include dollar signs ($) or commas (,) in this field.
Decimal 23.34 YES
OID A unique ID (Order ID), supplied by the advertiser, which identifies the transaction. This will be used to identify the transaction you would like to update.

Allowed Characters: Alpha-Numerics (A-Za-z0-9), dashes(-), underscores(_)
Character (50) FT-13543422 YES
REASON Please use one of the following codes for the reason you are correcting the transaction: 
1 - Invalid credit card number
2 - Customer returned the order
3 - Duplicate order
4 - Invalid shipping/billing address
6 - Customer returned part of the order
7 - Merchandise was damaged
10 - Non-Payment
11 - TOS Violation
8 - Other
Integer 8 YES
TYPE Please use one of the following values:
1 - Sale Based Transactions (percentage of sale)
2 - Lead Based Transactions (Flat dollar payout)
Integer 1 YES



  • The upload file must be in CSV (comma separated value) format.
  • The first line of the file must be the header, with the required fields above. The fields are case sensitive and the order of the fields does not matter.
  • No Personally Identifiable Information (PII) should be uploaded. PII includes but is not limited to information which can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, such as their name, social security number, email address, phone number, or physical address.