Advanced links can include flash banners, widgets, search boxes, or video.
To locate this in the platform, please navigate to Creatives > Advanced Link
To add an advanced link into your account you must create a creative name. This is the name that will be displayed to publishers. Next select a creative type you would like to add into your account. There are three choices: HTML, Flash, or email creative. Select HTML and enter in the html code in the content selection below. If you select the flash option it’s important to review the documentation link . This flash document will assist advertisers in creating Adobe Flash Creatives. After reviewing the document, enter your flash content and flash URL. Or, you could select the email option and provide us the source code for the email creative and the suppression URL for your suppression list.
Next is the creative description. It’s important to provide any exclusions, start and end dates, and any other information you would like publishers to review. Advanced links are great to add a search box within a banner. For example, maybe a travel site would like to include a search box within a banner to allow consumers to search for a flight and hotel. You can also include any keywords for each creative.
From the drop down menu it’s important to select a category for your creative, such as a coupon, sale, or general creative category.
Choose a visibility (public or private)- public allows all publishers joined to your program to review and post the coupon onto their website or choose private and select an individual publisher or group of publishers to review the coupon link. This option is commonly used when you have created a custom advanced link for an individual publisher or group of publishers.
Lastly, choose a status of the advanced link – active for publishers’ instant review or you may choose a date range which will allow you to choose a start date and time as well as an end date and time. This is great during the holiday season. Maybe you wanted to have three advanced links run at different times during black Friday. This will allow you to do just that. After you have added this advanced creative to Pepperjam, you need to make your account manager aware of this so the Pepperjam team could test the creative and validate this. Once the creative is validated, it will then be visible and accessible to the publishers. Click add a new advanced link to add an additional advanced link on this page, or press cancel to delete all information above