The following code is an example of how to implement a JavaScript solution for Dynamic Tracking - Click ID Capture and Storage from Pepperjam links and storing them for later use in the conversion pixel.
This solution assumes that the parameter passing click IDs to your site is the default value of clickId. This will need to be added to all pages of your site to ensure that they are being captured properly.
This solution assumes that the parameter passing click IDs to your site is the default value of clickId. This will need to be added to all pages of your site to ensure that they are being captured properly.
const express = require('express'); const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser'); const app = express(); const clickIdUrlParameter = 'clickId'; const clickIdCookieName = 'pjn_clicks'; const lookBackPeriodInDays = 60; const maxCookieAge = lookBackPeriodInDays * 24 * 60 * 60000; app.use(cookieParser()); const PJNClicksMiddleware = (req, res, next) => { /** * Returns true if the querystring contains a click ID */ const hasClickId = (req) => { return !!req.query[clickIdUrlParameter]; } /** * Returns the clickId value */ const getClickIdValue = (req) => { return req.query[clickIdUrlParameter]; } /** * Updates the cookie * * If no previous cookie exists, a new one is created. * If a cookie does exist, the cookie is 1st pruned * to remove any expired values. If the clickId * already exists in the cookie, the operation returns * and the new clickId is ignored. * * The cookie is stored as a string which contains an array * of objects. Each object contains an id:value and a * maxAge: value. On cookie value retrieval, the string * is converted to an array of objects. On storage, * the array is converted back to a string. */ const updateCookie = (req, res) => { let stringCookieList = getCookieValue(req); let parsedCookieList; // No previous cookie exists if (stringCookieList === undefined) { stringCookieList = JSON.stringify([{ "id": getClickIdValue(req), "date": getCurrentTimeStampPlusDays(lookBackPeriodInDays), }]); // Previous cookie exists, append to it. } else { // If the ID already exists, do nothing. Don't update ID's with new dates let clickIdValue = getClickIdValue(req); parsedCookieList = prune(JSON.parse(stringCookieList)) if (cookieIdExists(clickIdValue, parsedCookieList)) { return; } // Push new ID onto list parsedCookieList.push({ "id": getClickIdValue(req), "date": getCurrentTimeStampPlusDays(lookBackPeriodInDays), }); stringCookieList = JSON.stringify(parsedCookieList); } // Set the cookie res.cookie(clickIdCookieName, stringCookieList, {maxAge: maxCookieAge, encode: String}); } /** * Returns the cookie value */ const getCookieValue = (req) => { return req.cookies[clickIdCookieName]; } /** * Gets the current timestamp in the format YYYYMMDD */ const getCurrentTimeStamp = () => { return convertDateToTimeStamp(new Date()); } /** * Adds the number of days to now and returns a timestamp * in the format YYYYMMDD */ const getCurrentTimeStampPlusDays = (days) => { return convertDateToTimeStamp(new Date((new Date()).setDate(new Date().getDate() + days))); } /** * Converts a js date to timestamp in the format YYYYMMDD */ const convertDateToTimeStamp = (date) => { return date.toISOString().slice(0, 10).replace(/-/g, ""); } /** * Checks if the id exists in the array of objects id field */ const cookieIdExists = (id, data) => { let exists = false; data.forEach((item) => { if ( === id) { exists = true; } }, data) return exists; } /** * Rebuilds the data list, only keeping those items * which have a maxAge that has not yet expired. */ const prune = (data) => { pruned = []; let current = getCurrentTimeStamp(); for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (current < data[i].date) { pruned.push(data[i]); } } return pruned; } // Main execution if (hasClickId(req)) { updateCookie(req, res); } next(); } // use our middleware app.use(PJNClicksMiddleware); app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.send('<h1>Welcome to our Store!</h1>'); }); app.get('/item1', (req, res) => { res.send("<h2>Item 1</h2>"); }); app.get('/thankyou', (req, res) => { let program_id = 123, transaction_type = 1, // sale integration_type = 'DYNAMIC', promocodes = [123, 456], coupons = [], new_to_file = 1, amount = 500, orderId = 123456, order_output = '', order_items = { "item1": { id: 'SKU-922320', quantity: 2, price: 25000.99 }, "item2": { id: 'SKU-9233', quantity: 1, price: 189.99 } }; let clickData = ""; cookieValue = req.cookies[clickIdCookieName]; // If we have a cookie value, convert it into comma separated list if (cookieValue !== undefined) { parsedCookieList = JSON.parse(cookieValue); clickData = ( =>; } let x = 1; for (var key in order_items) { if (order_items.hasOwnProperty(key)) { order_output += '&ITEM_ID' + x + '=' + order_items[key].id; order_output += '&ITEM_PRICE' + x + '=' + order_items[key].price; order_output += '&QUANTITY' + x + '=' + order_items[key].quantity; x++; } } let output = '<h1>Thank You For Shopping!</h1>'; output += '<iframe height=1 width=1 src="'; output += 'PROGRAM_ID=' + program_id; output += '&INT=' + integration_type; output += '&AMOUNT=' + amount; output += '&TYPE=' + transaction_type; output += '&ORDER_ID=' + orderId; output += '&CLICK_ID=' + clickData; output += '&PROMOCODE=' + promocodes.toString(); output += '&COUPON=' + coupons.toString(); output += '&NEW_TO_FILE=' + new_to_file; output += order_output; output += "\"\\>" cookie = req.cookies[clickIdCookieName] res.send(output); }); app.listen(3000);