Publisher Violations
When inviting or accepting a publisher into your program the publisher needs to accept your program’s terms and conditions. However many publishers promote a large amount of advertisers and can sometime miss part of your program terms while promoting your site. It is important to monitor the activity of your publisher often and check for TM + bidding, direct linking, downloadable software etc. to be sure the publisher is compliant with the terms of the partnership.
What to do if you find a publisher has violated your terms and conditions
The first step is to check for any sales that have occurred from this publisher during the time period in question and if applicable reverse any orders that may have occurred due to a term violation. Refer to the best practice for correcting orders here.
Reach out to the publisher to be sure they are aware of the violation as a publisher may initially miss this and quickly resolve the issue. If you have any difficulty getting contact with publisher feel free to reach out to our advertiser support team.
If a publisher is unresponsive or unwilling to resolve the issue, you may always report a quality issue by clicking on the publisher name which brings up the publisher details page. You will find a tab to report the quality issue and our network quality team will review the publisher as soon as possible.
You can also revoke a publisher from the program at any time by going to the publishers tab>manage publishers and revoke the publisher in question. If they are willing to comply after being revoked from the program you re-invite them, however we would recommend communicating with the publisher to be sure they understand the program’s terms and conditions.