Resource Center

Code Suppression

Code Suppression allows you to control budget by keeping your affiliate program free of promotion cannibalization. Publishers will not receive commission for transactions that include suppressed codes.

Problem: Codes not meant for the affiliate channel
A brand is having an email campaign with a special offer for their loyal customers.  They have created a coupon code FRIENDSFAMILY for the sale.  A publisher finds out about the sale and adds this code to their site.  By doing so, they attract customers to their site and receive commission for the orders.

Solution: Code Suppression
With Code Suppression, Advertisers have the ability to maintain a list of codes that are not meant for the affiliate channel.

• Publishers will not be commissioned on these sales
• Pepperjam will receive site commission for the orders
• Advertiser MUST be on Dynamic tracking and MUST pass back the optional coupon code parameter in order to utilize Code Suppression

 Setting Up Code Suppression

  1. Go to Pay Attribution Settings
  2. Select Settings next to Code Suppression
  3. Check the Enabled box and add codes to be suppressed


How to Add Codes

• Choose ‘Add Code’ from Code Suppression Settings page
• Codes can be scheduled in advance
• Start date cannot be in the past
• End Date is optional
• Notes are Optional- If entered, can be seen in
• Expired Codes can be re-used.

How to View Suppressed Codes
• Choose ‘View All’ from Code Suppression Settings page
• Can view scheduled and historical codes
• Defaults to show active codes sorted by newest at the top
• Can only delete scheduled codes
• Can export to excel

How to edit Suppressed codes
Suppressed Codes are only editable in the following ways:
• Schedule (Before Start Date)
Fully Modifiable
• If code is active:
Can only modify the end date
Can only shorten to today
Can extend for any length
• If expired:
Can’t modify

How to bulk upload/edit codes

• Upload CSV File with:
Start Date (Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format)
End Date (Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format)
• Limit 500 at a time
• If there are any errors in the file,the whole file will fail and will need to be uploaded again.
 Suppressed Code Report
• Will only show orders which were suppressed
• Displays the Suppressed Publisher Commission
      This is the ultimate savings to the advertiser
• Default view does not include the notes field.
      Choose Optional Columns to display notes

Order Rule Commission Reporting
• Suppressed Order indicator –
Differentiates this order from an order where 0% commission was given based on dynamic commissioning rules
• Will show site commission but no affiliate commission
Dos and Don'ts
1. DON’T suppress codes that are available on your site!  

a. Codes provided when a customer subscribes to your email list
b. Codes that are highlighted for sales including Memorial Day or Black Friday.c. Codes that show upon a customer entering the site

2. DON’T suppress codes you want publishers to promote.

a. Codes that you highlight in publisher newsletters
b. Codes that are provided to a specific publisher

3. DON’T suppress codes that are working!

4. Do control what publishers should be promoting

5. Do include language into terms so publishers know that they can only use codes provided through Ascend